Analog Ambassador run-off finalist

Film General

Remember this entry? Well, I ended up as one of the 5 lucky run-off finalist for Old-School Photolab‘s Analog Ambassador contest. YAY!

4 out of the 5 ambassadors have been chosen. 5 people (including myself) are hoping to get the final slot. What do you need to do? I kindly ask for your vote (under the name Angela, with the entry “Keep the faith”)!

Voting happens at Believe in Film until October 22, midnight. All the chosen ambassadors will get a bunch of film, a film camera, and free processing/scanning. The end result? Spreading the world why film is definitely not dead, and more wonderful photos taken by people who remain committed to this medium.

(As you can see, the baby me would love to win this, look how I enjoyed munching film! Om nom nom.)

Photo taken by Pat

Thank you so much for your support!